
Messier 35 – Open star cluster

Messier 35 - Open star cluster

This smudge is a star cluster located by one of the “feet” of the two brothers constellation, Gemini. It’s two bright stars, Castor and Pollux, along with bright Jupiter, make it an easy constellation to find now. M35 is located on the outside foot of the brother Castor. Cool fact, Castor is a 6 star system. It’s slightly dimmer brother is confirmed to have a planet that takes it 590 Earth days to circle the star. Once you locate Castor, move down the body, past Jupiter, and find the outer foot. It will be 3 slightly curved stars. M35 is right above, and to the outside, of the last star (in the foot).

Unlike other clusters I’ve posted (like M45 – Pleiades/Seven Sisters) it is not an obvious naked eye object. It is sometimes, though only under very optimal conditions. However, it is an open cluster (like M45, M41 and Beehive Cluster) and very large. Pleiades is just a few hundred light years away, this one is about 2,500 light years away. Despite it’s distance, it still takes up the same size in the sky as the full Moon does.

That’s what makes it tricky to see. In wide photos it is simple – it’s the noticeable smudge near Castor’s foot. However, even though it’s bright enough overall, the fact it takes up so much space means it’s brightness is spread over a wide area. The higher you zoom, the dimmer it appears.

If we were as close to it as we are to Pleiades, it wouldn’t even appear as a cluster. Hyades, the cluster representing Taurus the Bull’s head/horns is so close most don’t recognize it as a cluster. The Big Dipper, largely, is made up of stars in what’s known as the Ursa Major Cluster/Ursa Major Moving Group. The Ursa cluster is spiraling apart, but even if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t appear as a cluster. It’s too close.

Lovejoy 2013

Lovejoy 2013

Going through older photos.. I need to take a new one because Lovejoy is much brighter. I decided to stack a few photos. I highlighted Lovejoy in the smaller, lefthand box. I then blew it up and moved it to the right. Not near as bright as the stars around it, but it’s green and dead-center. Jupiter is in Gemini (the planet is the brightest object in the entire photo) with the Beehive Cluster nearby, lying in the heart of Cancer.

Geminids peak tonight, thanks to 3200 Phaethon, the “rock comet”


The Geminids peak tonight! It is one of the best showers of the year, with predictions up to 120 meteors per hour. The general consensus is 90-120ph.

It will be visible all night, however the Moon is nearing full and is inconveniently placed. It won’t ruin the shower, however, It sets at 4am, and even before then, things will be heating up. The Geminids get their namesake because they radiate from Gemini. Jupiter is currently in Gemini just so the right/south of 2 of its brightest stars – Castor and Pollux.

This makes for excellent pictures, with shooting stars, Jupiter and the scattered star clusters in the area. However, it is best to not look straight at Gemini. Lay flat on your back to see as much of the sky as possible. The meteors merely radiate from Gemini and can appear anywhere (just moving away from Gemini, wherever it is).

Geminid meteors are known for being slow and bright. These can be the most fun to watch. This shower brings the chance of seeing fireballs.

Pictured below is the “rock comet” asteroid responsible for the Geminids. Its name is 3200 Phaethon.
